A storm chased us out of Mallorca yesterday otherwise we wouldn't have left. I sometimes notice patterns of colours and it gives me such a feeling of belonging to wear the same colours as the sea.
After a year of losses and a year of trying, our dream family came true. Going back to where we made her fills this place with extra magic. Here's to you, little rainbow girl, last year we were here you became you ❤️🩵🩷💛💙💚🧡💜
Craft when the baby sleeps - isn't that what they say?
Turned this beautiful English paper piecing project from @sewmotion into a clock and gifted it to my bff whom Mimi now shares a bday with!! Better is the enemy of good, insisted Lucian who prevented me from adding digits.
#handmade #epp #englishpaperpiecing #fabricclock #craft #rainbowcrafts #handmadeclock
A week into being a mother of daughters and my heart is full of love for and from them both. What a joy to dress up and celebrate Romanian folklore days of midsummer, Sânziene and Ziua Iei, with my two little fairies ❤️💛💙
#sanziene #ziuaiei #romanianfolklore #folklore #midsummer #motherofdaughters #romancuta
Very happy with this collar I finished today while waiting for bebé 💚🧡💜🩵💛💗💙 cannot wait to wear it!!
@katiejonesknit I love your patterns, the way you use colour in everything you crochet, and pretty much everything you make!
#crochetgirlpower #crochetcollar #crochetrainbow #colourfulcrochet #rainbowcrochet #crochetcolours #handmadevintage #vintagecollar
Probably our last date before baby comes, on the last day of the month we got married in, to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Nothing quite as escapist nor as romantic as a trip to the cinema.
#datebeforebabycomes #cinemadate #everymancinema